Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I got this box today

When I dug through the peanuts this is what I found

So I opened this box and found

Let me explain, Greg over at Flat out quilting was horrified that I would steal the bottle caps from my kids Halloween candy. So he offered to send me some. Who knew he suffered from the same inability to do things in a small way the same as me? I have enough Bottle Caps to put me in a sugar coma for a year WOO HOO!
Thank you sweet, wonderful, awesome, terrific, fantastic, fabulous, bodacious, Bad(meaning good), Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Greg!
(k I am going to have to buy a thesaurus ;O)!)

This made my day!

So anyone with fantastic ideas to help me repay this kindness give me your ideas.

Happy Halloween Hugs!

Christmas countdown banner


ZONE F DG TEAM said...

What a'll be sugared up well into next Halloween at this rate.

onlymehere said...

Wow! Now that's what I call a friend!

Teresa said...

I had never heard of bottlecaps before. So nice to have friends that share so generously.

Greg said...

Don't worry about sending anything in return. I get a nice kick-back from your dentist!!!

karenshopes said...

You lucky thing,I dont know what these are either but they look good.

MamaBug said...

Alright! That's just awesome.

Millie said...

Greg is awesome...what a nice gift to get in the mail. Enjoy all the bottlecaps!