October is breast cancer awareness month, I think that's a good cause we need to be aware of.
It's also domestic violence awareness month, also something to think about,
In addition October is:
Lupus awareness month
Multiple Sclerosis education and awareness month
Workplace politics awareness month
(I am totally not kidding)Rett Syndrome awareness month
( they need to do a better job on this one I have never heard or it) Nieman-Pick Disease awareness month (ditto on this disease)National Cyber Security awareness month Vegetarian awareness month
( I didn't realize people weren't aware of vegetarians)Federal Energy Management awareness month Learning Disablities awareness month
(so if you have a learning disability do you even know you have an awareness month?)CSA Celiac Desease awareness monthNational Disability Employment awareness month
( this sounds like you should be aware that disableled people can be hired but doesn't do much as far as helping them get hired)SIDS awareness monthChild abuse awareness month
Down Syndrome awareness month
Dyslexia awareness month
Hunger awareness month
Spina Bifida awareness month
Arts awareness month
AIDS awareness month
Diversity awareness month
Polish American heritage month
National Physical Therapy month
Deaf and Disability month
(because being deaf isn't a form of disability?)Pulmonary Hypertension awareness month ( I would hope if you have this you're aware of it!)Mental Health awareness monthand my favorite Brain Tumor awareness month
HELLO!!!!! Is this completely out of control? In our need/desire to be politically correct we have to make sure we give every possible illness, lifestyle or thing an awareness month. How completely ridiculous is this? Don't you think that people aren't aware of art? Or brain tumors for heavens sake.
People lets get real here yes we have disease, yes we have disabilities yes we even have art but do we need to have an awareness month for everything?
What it comes down to is money (doesn't it always) If I have National Physical Therapy month I can run ads, send people out to collect for research and the like.
Why don't we try to be more Christ like (oh know its the religious right trying to shove Christian values down our throats again) more Budda like, more Mohammad like if you like,
but lets try to show love to every one and everything lets be aware of the people around us and take care of our friends and neighbors and then we have no need for Mental Health awareness month, or Sad and Lonely awareness month or any of that crap. If we all love one another, take care of one another and lookout for one another we are already "aware" of what people need and its already been taken care of.