Monday, December 21, 2009

Top 10 reason I love Christmas time

Number 10 Terry's chocolate oranges

Number 9 fires in the fireplace

Number 8 I don't have to get up to take the kids to school

Number 7 treats given to and received from the neighbors

Number 6 Christmas lights everywhere

Number 5 gifts under the tree to squeeze, shake and smell to guess what they are

Number 4 yummy food at a party almost every weekend

Number 3 National Lampoons Christmas Vacation

Number 2 the spirit of giving I see everywhere, people who look like I should be giving them money for food are giving to the change they have to the bell ringers.

and finally Number 1 I love the Christmas season because it reminds me every day of the month what a wonderful gift our Savior Jesus Christ did for us by coming here, gaining a body and finally atoning for our sins by dying for us.

I hope that everyone is having a blessed Christmas.
(also for my Jewish friends I hope your Hanukkah was wonderful!)


Christmas countdown banner


Barb said...

Thanks for your lovely post.

Greg said...

My top 10 questions about your reasons.

#10... Care to share?
#9.... Do you have to wait 'til Christmas?
#8..Can't they walk or take the bus? What better gift than to let you sleep late..
#7...Care to swap?
#6...Arn't they pretty?
#5...What does a Fat Quarter smell like?
#4...Got any Tums to share?
#3...Do you have to wait 'til Christmas to enjoy that movie?
#2...There is sign at a local church here that reads "Fill a cup in need and yours will overflow".. That is so true..Right?
#1...Can I get an 'AMEN!!'

Wishing you and yours a safe and Merry Christmas!!

Carrie P. said...

Great reason to love Christmas time especially the number one reason.
Enjoy the season.

chook said...

I hope you have a Merry Christmas
hugs Beth

simplestitches said...

Merry Christmas Carin.
Hope you have a wonderful day.
take care Julz

Vanessa said...

I hope you had a wonderful Chistmas Carin!