I just feel BLECK! I don't know if it cause I am tired, or if it's cause I am worried about mom, It could be that I am getting the bug myself, I know I need to get off my pitty pot and finish up a bunch of things I have that need to be done now if I could just convince myself to haul my fanny off the bed.
On a brighter note Kris sent me some YUMMY Sherbet fountains (the jumbo size, I have never seen those before)She is the sweetest!! I am doing my best to not eat them all and make myself sick :O)

Hey Carin! Oh no! Virus in Summer - that's just RUDE! It's bad enough to get sick when it's cold and icky, let along coping when it's wonderfully warm and all self-respecting flu germs should be hibernating!! Hope you all start feeling better soon. Get stuck into the olive leaf extract - that builds up immune systems and I swear by it, even if it tastes icky! Glad you like the little sweeties - I saw them and remembered the shop where you got your lolly fix had closed, so stocked you up for a little while! Hope you're soon feeling less "BLAH!" and more "YAY!" Thinking of you and your Mum! Bear Hugs! KRIS (Tag Along Teddies)
(((Carin))), you best rest when you can with sick boys to take care of. I hope you stay well.
Hi Carin, hope both you and the kids are feeling better today :-)
That is no fun at all, especially when you want to be out enjoying summer!
Hope you don't come down with it too...
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