Monday, May 05, 2008

beware of who you kiss when you are 16

So when I was 16 I was a little bit a of a flake and was not opposed to kissing boys that I didn't know very well :O) Because of that I picked up a raging case of Mono at 16. I spent 3 months in bed. I tell you this so you will know what I am talking about as to why I have been so fatigued.

My Dr called to explain to me that my mono has come back. I was under the wrong assumption that you could only get it once. Well according to him you do only get it once it just never goes away. When your body gets strained or under stress that it can return. SIGH!!

There is no treatment all I can do is rest (HAHAHAHA I have a 4 year old) and sleep. To that end he is going to do a sleep study to make sure I am getting restful sleep. He thinks I have sleep apnea and that it is contributing.

I need to piece a quilt top so I can hand quilt and be lazy.


Kim said...

Hi Carin. Sorry to hear that you are struggling with illness. I had no idea that this stays in the body forever. Hope your four year old still has a nap time so maybe you can get some rest during the day.

Jo in TAS said...

Well that's a blast from the past!!Maybe we just shouldn't kiss boys! My friends used to tell me I'd get boy germs, and I did, I got coldsores. Everytime one appears I'm reminded of the moron that gave them to me and I can't kiss my husband or son for fear of passing it onto them. Is is the same with your reoccurence, is it contagious?

Julia said...

Well, that just stinks. Hope you are able to get some rest. If I were your neighbor I would entertain your 4 year old for you. Take care!

Phyl said...

Mono? Wow...I feel for you. I know how it is when the doc tells you to rest...often wanted to ask if he would babysit so that I could.

Praying for you...

Kris Meares - Tag Along Teddies said...

Hey Carin! OK, there are some positives here! You have doctor's orders to rest - so your hubby should wait on you hand and foot and pamper you! You also have a REALLY good reason to sit and do hand stitching instead of attending PTA meetings! Tee! Hee! Hee! Hope you start to feel better soon - it seriously sucks to not have the energy to do things you want to, though VERY handy as an excuse when it's time to do housework!! Bear Hugs! KRIS (Tag Along Teddies)

Julie H said...

My brother had mono when he was in high school and has never totally been the same as he was "pre-mono". It really did a number on him and he almost missed a whole year of high school (he had to do independent study). That stuff can be nasty.

Marilyn Robertson said...

Yikes! I had no idea that Mono could cause life long symtoms! I'm glad the Dr. was able to figure out your health problems. I agree, you now have an excuse to do a lot of quilting!

MarilynH said...

Yeah!!! Its Mono!!! I can imagine it won't be fun but at least you don't have any of those other things you had listed that sounded terrible. I remember when you had mono. It put a crimp in my social life too because you couldn't go anywhere. and I missed you at school :)