Friday, December 29, 2006

My baby will be 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can hardly believe that 3 years ago today I was laying in the maternity ward at the hospital wondering how long I was going to be stuck flat on my back with an IV. I was so afraid for Wade to be so early I had pictures of ventilators and a million IV's and a baby the size of your hand.
We where so blessed he waited the week between Christmas and New Years for the shots to help develop his lungs. So no ventilators and a he was a healthy 4lbs 11 oz we still had a bunch of IV's and more monitors than I care to remember, and after his NEC scare we had the opportunity to know exactly how a milk cow feels 3 to 4 times a day.
Wade is such blessing to us and our family, he is smart and adorable and has been totally two for the last year. Lets hope that 3 will involve less prying open of pill bottles, fewer asthma attacks now that the dog lives elsewhere, not as many marker from head to toe moments and totally zero throwing our selves on the floor having a temper tantrum days.
Happy Birthday on Sunday Wade!

1 comment:

MarilynH said...

He is so adorable!! what a cute little bug. I am hoping those same things for Amelia this year and she's almost four. LOL lets see which one of us has the most luck.