Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I love this picture of the kids acutely working together to dye Easter eggs! Wade is so dang cute in his "bunny hat". This picture was shot about 5 minutes before we discovered that the eggs weren't cooked all the way thanks to Wade testing them by throwing them on the floor. We had to cook more eggs cause this batch would not have traveled well.
The one above it is Wade testing the eggs (insert eye roll here)
and the top picture is Easter morning and the kids making themselves sick on candy before church.


Anonymous said...

Okay--cookie sheets are the best solution for controlling the mess! neat idea! we don't take the newspaper and every year we are scratching our heads as to what to put under the dye cups. I did paper plates this year, but I like the cookie sheet idea better!

Kristi said...

Wade looks positively ADORABLE in that bunny hat! I am sad I forgot to get Genna's bunny ears out when we decorated our eggs.

Amy B. said...

I didn't get enough pictures of easter stuff this year. yours are so cute! lol at Wade "testing" the eggs!